Spotlight on Walter Stewart’s and Stewart’s Wine & Spirits 

Spotlight on Walter Stewart’s and Stewart’s Wine & Spirits: Our Champion Sponsor

Walter Stewart’s, one of the oldest businesses in town and an indelible part of our community, has been a steadfast Champion Sponsor of ABC New Canaan. We are endlessly grateful for their generosity and passionate commitment to our mission. Doug Stewart and his brother Alex Stewart are the fourth generation of Stewarts to own Walter Stewart’s Market and the second-generation owners of Stewart’s Wine & Spirits. For the Stewart family, philanthropy and community are integral to their business philosophy. And, for us at ABC New Canaan, Walter Stewart’s and Stewart’s Wine and Spirits and Doug and Julia Stewart have championed our work towards education, equity, and opportunity and have been our cherished partners for years. 

From sponsoring and attending our fundraising events to providing food and meals to ABC House, the Walter Stewart’s family has always been there for our scholars.  We are so blessed to have Julia as a Board member and Doug and everyone at Walter Stewart’s in our ABC New Canaan family. THANK YOU!